I`ve been noticing some weird stuff around Mt.Shiveer. I`ve just gotta let it out!
So,the most obvious one is the ice...will it ever break? It just cracks but never shatters.
Next,is the suspicion I guess only I notice.The sign thats on the- well...thats the whole point.Where is the tippy top? Look at the sign in the pic to figure it out.If we were on that star
where would be the REST?
Then,theres a suspicion some people notice.The rocks look like they are covering a CAVE!
Now thats going to be real cool once Mt.Shiveer reveals whats behind the rocks.
Last, is one most Jammers notice.The carving of the seal on the ice,which I think its means that
only seals will break the ice.But notice another cave below it? Sheesh I gotta talk to AJHQ about this!
There so many things to think about in Mt.Shiveer.Don`t worry,I`ll think about other places too.